The Back of Room Sale

Daniel HallBy Featured Speaker Daniel Hall

One thing you might never expect to happen is the amount of ways that you can generate money just by becoming the author of a book. There’s book sales, affiliate programs, coaching programs, live events you can promote and speaking functions you can get paid for. Well find out how you can make even more money by speaking and then doing the back of room sale.

Now when speaking at some kind of engagement or function a lot of people usually have a very informative presentation that they make on one particular subject and relate it back to whatever the products that you sell are.

The offer usually comes at the end of the presentation and then the people that are attending that are really interested in what you have to sell head to the back of the room to specifically check out your table. It’s called a back of room sale because that’s usually where the company is set up get your information or allow you to buy a book or whatever items you decide to offer.

Also the speaking engagement actually allows you to pre sell your products and services so that you usually only have to answer a few questions about the program or book in order to get people to buy what you are selling to them. Now this technique will work even if you don’t get paid because many speaking engagements usually have a material budget so that you can either give away your book or sell it in the back to make a good amount of money.

Of course none of this matters without a book to actually take a chance at all of these business and money build opportunities.

Good thing it’s not that difficult to profit from your back of room sales. Books can be completed, on the market and selling internationally real fast – in fact, faster than you ever thought possible – IF you know how. Fortunately, I want to give you my #1 secret for cranking out high-quality, high profit books really fast. There is a free video at go there now and prepare for a paradigm shift.

NOTE: You can get a special deal on the Real Fast Book program by following this link.

Interested in self publishing a book? Check out this replay of a webinar Daniel Hall did with Carma Spence, called “19 Innovative Ways to Build Your Business With a Self Published Book.”

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